Club Soda Trustee, Sedley Wilson, and Project Manager, Rachael Phandey, represented Club Soda at the London Faith and Belief Community Awards ceremony in Westminster Abbey on Wednesday 23rd November, where we were presented with an award in the Health & Wellbeing category.
Sedley Wilson said, “I am incredibly proud to have received this award on behalf of Club Soda.”
Rachael Phandey said, “We develop opportunities for people with learning disabilities in Croydon to showcase their creative talents. In recent years we have had to adapt how we deliver our sessions and events. This has been a big challenge for us and our members but the creative results have been amazing. Our Musicians have written and recorded new albums and our Gig Buddies project has found new ways to connect that we never would have imagined possible.
But, we know there are still so many people with learning disabilities in the borough who are still socially isolated and we want to find and connect with them too.”